Getting Started

Getting Started:

Welcome to Exploring Energy with Erika! I am honored that you have chosen me as your guide for the next 12 weeks. Congratulations on your decision to enrich your life force, expand your awareness, dissolve limitations, and fulfill your unique goals and dreams!

The mission of this course is to teach you how to connect to the unlimited power already within you and together with the power of Universal energy, create and manifest the goals and dreams you have in your heart and experience the highest and best version of you possible. And when you do this, the best path forward for everyone you love and care about spontaneously emerges.

Each day offers us an opportunity to renew our resolve to the universe, that we are ready for change and growth. You are here now ... it is time to grow and expand your heart, mind and soul. Let’s go!

How Does the Course Flow?

This is a 12-week online course providing a new topic and lesson each week. The topics build on each other so it is best to start with the content in week 1 and follow along sequentially with weeks 2, 3, 4 and so forth.

Each lesson consists of:

• A PDF with a new lesson that introduces the topic of the week and provides you with a detailed explanation of that topic. Additional references and resources are also included at the end of each lesson in case you wish to delve deeper into the material on your own.

• Video Lesson Content–that will expand upon some of the ideas in the week’s lessons.

• Journaling Exercises–that will keep the content fresh in your mind each day as you play with the weekly exercises that come with each lesson.

• Weekly ‘homework’–suggested exercises every week to reinforce the material in the lesson.

• Meditations –you will also see some relaxing audio meditations sprinkled throughout the 12 weeks to help you still your mind and experience the connection and alignment we all long for that opens doors to new opportunities and higher and better versions of ourselves.

Accessing This Course:

Upon enrollment of this course you will create a username and password, which you will use to access the course on a weekly basis.

• Both the introduction and first week's curriculum will be available today upon enrollment. Please start at the beginning and go through each section in order. Once you complete a section tap 'Complete' up top and you will be taken to the next section in the weekly curriculum. Your progress will be tracked up top for your own sake.

• Take your time going through this course, re-read lessons if necessary, and let everything you learn soak in. I developed this course so that it could be completed over the course of 12 weeks, at your own pace.

• The next week's curriculum will be available every 5 days. Again, I want to stress the importance of completing this course at your own pace. There are no time limits here.

• To login and access the curriculum visit here and click LOGIN up top. Enter your username and password and you should see the course - where you left off. I would bookmark this url for easy access:

Allow Time For Yourself Each Week As You Move Through The Lessons:

This course is set up for you to follow at your own pace. My recommendation is that you add time in your daily planner each week, whether it’s a paper planner or digital one, just as you would add in a business meeting, workout, coffee with a friend, haircut, etc. 

You will need anywhere from 1.5 –3 hours a week to get through the readings, weekly exercises, and journaling activities. You may not be able to do all of the suggested weekly exercises in one sitting and I wouldn’t recommend that anyway. Spread them out over the week so each day you’ll be revisiting the content in some small way.

I am proud of the commitment you’ve made already to this course! You should feel proud of yourself too. You are expanding your mind, your heart, and the tribe of conscious travelers you choose to journey through life with.

Let’s open the door and explore new ideas together! 

Complete and Continue